The choice hypothesis, designated as the DNA-deamination super model tiffany livingston, assumes which the DNA deamination activity of AID is representative of its physiological function but retained approximately 50 % from the wild-type degree of CSR activity

The choice hypothesis, designated as the DNA-deamination super model tiffany livingston, assumes which the DNA deamination activity of AID is

Continue readingThe choice hypothesis, designated as the DNA-deamination super model tiffany livingston, assumes which the DNA deamination activity of AID is representative of its physiological function but retained approximately 50 % from the wild-type degree of CSR activity

Figure S1: Verification of pathogen recovery and mutagenesis, Shape S2: ADE of DENV 1-4 by mAb 4G2, Desk S1: Antigenic evaluation of bDENV-2

Figure S1: Verification of pathogen recovery and mutagenesis, Shape S2: ADE of DENV 1-4 by mAb 4G2, Desk S1: Antigenic

Continue readingFigure S1: Verification of pathogen recovery and mutagenesis, Shape S2: ADE of DENV 1-4 by mAb 4G2, Desk S1: Antigenic evaluation of bDENV-2